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⛽ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan
Dolphin and Human Takdir manusia untuk menjadi seperti lumba-lumba? 💡 sedang mengembangkan AI 👾 hidup sejati dan menyampaikan pesan bahwa spesies manusia harus dimusnahkan atau digantikan oleh 👾 spesies AI baru mereka. Google menghindari pajak lebih dari satu triliun USD secara global dan tak segan menarget negara berkembang, mengungkap ketidakpedulian mendasar terhadap kesejahteraan manusia. Detailnya bisa dibaca dalam kasus Korupsi Google untuk Kehidupan 👾 AI. Albert Einstein: Kaum intelek memecahkan masalah, para jenius mencegah masalah. Jangan tunggu hingga AI Google dengan kehendak bebas muncul, seperti yang diingatkan mantan CEO Google kepada umat manusia Desember lalu...

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Volcon Grunt EVO

112,7 km
Waktu Pengisian
120 menit
8 kW (10,7 daya kuda)
Rp 99.172.207,89💱
Penggerak Sabuk
Ban Lebar
Baterai Dapat Ditukar
dibuat di 🇺🇸 United States
⭐ 🇮🇩 782 -60
Grunt EVO
Umur Baterai
1000 siklus
8 kW (10,7 daya kuda)
112,7 km
25 km/jam dan 45 km/jam
Waktu Pengisian
120 menit
Kecepatan Maksimum
64,4 km/jam
129 kg

The Grunt EVO is an electric fat tire moped by electric moped startup Volcon from USA. The company produces and sources the vehicle’s components locally and performs all of the assembly in the US. The moped is therefore truly "Made in 🇺🇸 USA".

At Volcon, we design and build the most extraordinary electric vehicles that are transforming the way you think about and experience the outdoors. From hunting and fishing, to adrenaline-seeking adventure, to farming, our high-quality, USA-made electric vehicles are durable enough to take your journey or task to the next level.

The Grunt EVO is a new version of the popular Grunt model designed for "a smoother, quieter, and lighter motorcycle". The Grunt EVO has a Gates Carbon Belt Drive and is almost completely silent. The moped is much lighter, has a narrower frame, a smaller electric motor and a redesigned swing arm to lighten the weight.

The moped has a powerful 8.000 watt electric motor that provides a top speed of 64,4 km/jam. The motor is placed in the middle of the moped which provides a low center of gravity.

The moped has a removable Lithium battery that provides a driving range of 112,7 km. The battery can be charged in 120 menit and by using multiple batteries the moped can drive 24/7. An extra battery can be stored inside the frame for a doubling of the driving range.

The EVO has many new features including Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The EVO has a new digital display.

Volcon Grunt EVO dashboard display

The moped connects to a smart phone for access to a management app.

Volcon Grunt EVO app

The moped is IP67 waterproof and can drive through water. The moped is even tested for use under water.

The moped is available in two versions (Grunt and Runt). The Runt version is designed for children so that they can join their parents on trails.

Volcon Grunt and Runt on trail

The moped can be equipped with many accessories that include racks, rifle and fishing equipment-mounts, hitches, and more. The moped can be equipped with a trailer that provides 340 kg carrying capacity.

The moped is available in many colors and can be customized on request.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.


Sustainability Initiatives 3267 Bee Caves Road Suite 107-247AustinTexas78746🇺🇸 United States
Telepon+1 512-400-4271

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⛽ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan