Skuter Zapp i300 dari 🇬🇧 Inggris memenangkan Penghargaan Desain Jerman bergengsi dan penghargaan desain sepeda motor reddot
🇬🇧 4 Oktober 2023 oleh Jurnalis Sepeda MotorThe model i300 of British electric scooter startup Zapp won two prestigious design and quality awards.
The model has been awarded the Excellent Product Design award in the motorcycle category in the 2023 German Design Awards, with an independent jury of design experts commending the i300's 'outstanding design quality'.
The model also won the 2023 reddot Design Awards in the category motorcycle design.
Zapp i300
- 18.000 watt electric motor with 587 Nm torque.
- Fast acceleration: 0 hingga 50 km/jam dalam 2,38 detik.
- Many accessoires for personalization.