Fonzarelli Arthur 2
The Arthur 2 is an skuter listrik from electric scooter manufacturer Fonzarelli from Australia. The name of the company is inspired by character Fonzie from the 1960's TV show Happy Days. The company's credo is "Bespoke styling. Amped up performance. And most importantly, zero emissions".
Skuter ini dilengkapi motor listrik 5.500 watt dengan kecepatan maksimal 75 km/jam. Motor ini menghasilkan torsi tinggi untuk akselerasi yang cepat.
The scooter is available as an Arthur+ version with improved motor performance for a 10 km/jam faster top speed and faster acceleration.
The scooter has a removeable Lithium battery for a driving range of 130 km. The charge time is 1 hour for a 80% charge using a regular wall outlet and the scooter supports fast charging using a type 2 electric car charger.
Skuter ini dilengkapi dengan Sistem Pemulihan Energi Kinetik (KERS) atau pengereman regeneratif yang mengembalikan energi dari pengereman ke baterai.
Skuter ini memiliki fitur canggih termasuk rem CBS, mode mundur, dan port pengisian USB untuk ponsel.
Customization on demand
The scooter is available in any color and can be customized by the factory.
We all want different thrills and experience from our ride and at FonzLab we make this happen. Here your Fonzarelli is personalised to suit your lifestyle. From enhanced performance and tech upgrades, to bespoke styling.
Skuter dapat dipesan secara online dan dikirim ke seluruh dunia.
Model Fonzarelli Tahun 2025
Model Lama
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