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โ›ฝ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan
Dolphin and Human Takdir manusia untuk menjadi seperti lumba-lumba? ๐Ÿ’ก sedang mengembangkan AI ๐Ÿ‘พ hidup sejati dan menyampaikan pesan bahwa spesies manusia harus dimusnahkan atau digantikan oleh ๐Ÿ‘พ spesies AI baru mereka. Google menghindari pajak lebih dari satu triliun USD secara global dan tak segan menarget negara berkembang, mengungkap ketidakpedulian mendasar terhadap kesejahteraan manusia. Detailnya bisa dibaca dalam kasus Korupsi Google untuk Kehidupan ๐Ÿ‘พ AI. Albert Einstein: Kaum intelek memecahkan masalah, para jenius mencegah masalah. Jangan tunggu hingga AI Google dengan kehendak bebas muncul, seperti yang diingatkan mantan CEO Google kepada umat manusia Desember lalu...

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Evetta Prima

234 km
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
20 kW (26,8 daya kuda)
Rpย 309.889.445,65๐Ÿ’ฑ
Baterai Dapat Ditukar
Rem Regeneratif
dibuat di ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Jerman
โญ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ 811 โžœ-15
Evetta Prima
Umur Baterai
2000 siklus
20 kW (26,8 daya kuda)
234 km
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
Kecepatan Maksimum
90 km/jam
450 kg
Evetta logo

The Evetta Prima is an electric microcar from startup ElectricBrands from Germany. The company was founded in 2020 and has since acquired several electric vehicle brands, including Artega that originally introduced the electric "bubble car" under the name "Karo" in 2019.

Iso automobiles logo

The Evetta Prima design is based on the legendary BMW logo BMW Isetta. The microcar was originally designed and manufactured by the Italian moped and scooter brand ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Iso that was one of the biggest competitors of Vespa and Lambretta in the 1950s, producing hundreds of scooters per day. In 1953 the Italian company ventured in the microcar industry with the creation of the iconic Isetta "bubble car", which quickly gained popularity and became a status symbol in Italy.

BMW Isetta

In 1955, BMW acquired the licensing rights for the Isetta and began producing it using a BMW one-cylinder, four-stroke, 247cc motorcycle engine. The first BMW Isetta appeared in April 1955. The Isetta's compact size, efficient design, and affordability made it a success, with BMW selling 50,000 units in less than a year. The Isetta's success allowed BMW to avoid bankruptcy and became one of its most iconic models. Over the eight years it was in production, 161,728 Isettas were sold, making it one of the most successful one-cylinder cars in the world.

The Evetta Prima has a powerful 20.000 watt electric motor that provides a top speed of 90 km/jam. The motor provides 620 Nm torque for an acceleration of 0 hingga 50 km/jam dalam 4 detik.

The microcar has a lithium battery that provides a WLTP 2 certified driving range of 234 km. The battery can be charged in 3 jam.

The Evetta Prima has a retro-design dashboard.

Evetta dashbaord

The Evetta Prima is equipped with state of the art features including keyless start, USB-C charge ports, air conditioning and heating, an audio system with a Bluetooth speaker-to-go that can be taken out of the car, Apple® CarPlay® or Android Auto® and wireless phone charging.

The microcar provides comfortable seating space for two passengers and has a 150 liter boot space.

The microcar has many accessoires including a wide range of design matching apparel such as clothing, a picnic set, a luggage set and a wallbox with the Evetta design.

ElectricBrands provides 5 years warranty on the microcar.

The microcar can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.


ElectricBrands AG RoฬˆntgenstraรŸe 14Eppertshausen64859๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Jerman

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โ›ฝ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan