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⛽ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan
Dolphin and Human Takdir manusia untuk menjadi seperti lumba-lumba? 💡 sedang mengembangkan AI 👾 hidup sejati dan menyampaikan pesan bahwa spesies manusia harus dimusnahkan atau digantikan oleh 👾 spesies AI baru mereka. Google menghindari pajak lebih dari satu triliun USD secara global dan tak segan menarget negara berkembang, mengungkap ketidakpedulian mendasar terhadap kesejahteraan manusia. Detailnya bisa dibaca dalam kasus Korupsi Google untuk Kehidupan 👾 AI. Albert Einstein: Kaum intelek memecahkan masalah, para jenius mencegah masalah. Jangan tunggu hingga AI Google dengan kehendak bebas muncul, seperti yang diingatkan mantan CEO Google kepada umat manusia Desember lalu...

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eccity model 3

109 km
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
14 kW (18,8 daya kuda)
Rp 169.680.836,04💱
dibuat di 🇫🇷 Prancis
⭐ 🇮🇩 402 -32
eccity model 3
Umur Baterai
1000 siklus
14 kW (18,8 daya kuda)
109 km
25 km/jam dan 45 km/jam
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
Kecepatan Maksimum
110 km/jam

The eccity model 3 is an electric three-wheeled scooter from a Skuter Listrik manufacturer from France. The company was founded in 2011 by two engineers who held top positions at companies such as Renault (auto manufacturer) and big technological engineering firms in France.

The scooter is of exceptional high quality and includes reliable service by a network of service centers.

eccity are passionate men and women available to their clients in a community

The scooter is available in 4 models: 50, 125, 125+ and a 3-wheeler.

The eccity model 3 is a motorcycle scooter with a top speed of 110 km/jam. The scooter is designed for extra safety and easy handling by light weight drivers. The scooter is also extra suited for heavy or large cargo transport.

The scooter has two electric motors in the rear wheels for a total power of 14.000 watt. The motors provide exceptional acceleration speed.

The scooter has a 86 Ah Lithium battery for an official rated range of 109 km. The charge time of the battery is 180 menit using an external fast charger.

The scooter is provided with a small built in charger that enables to charge the batteries on the road.

The batteries have proven to be of high quality. Several eccity drivers have already exceeded 50,000 km usage with the original battery.

The scooter has a low center of gravity and is provided with 13 inch Michelin City Grip tires. The scooter offers exceptional handling, stability in sharp turns and stability on high speeds. The compact dimensions and low weight enable the scooter to be agile in dense urban area's.

Skuter ini dilengkapi dengan 3 rem cakram dan memberikan jarak pengereman yang sangat pendek dibandingkan dengan skuter berkonfigurasi dua roda.

The scooter is provided with an analog and digital dashboard. The digital dashboard provides information about the battery status, battery usage and distance traveled.

The scooter provides GPS connectivity to enable to track the scooter via a mobile app. The app provides information about battery health, speed and GPS navigation.

The scooter is certified for usage with a rear passenger. The scooter has a rear-gear to enable easy parking.

The scooter can be customized for business and cargo purposes. The solutions include innovative cargo boxes for pet transport / ambulance, security/police and food/pizza delivery.

The scooter is available in many colors and has many accessories, top cases and options for personalization. The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.


eccity motocycles 39 avenue Louison BobetGrasse06130🇫🇷 Prancis

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