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โ›ฝ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan
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CAKE Makka Polestar edition

50 km
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
3,6 kW (4,8 daya kuda)
Tidak Diketahui
Sistem Rem Elektronik (EBS)
Rem Regeneratif
Baterai Dapat Ditukar
dibuat di ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช Sweden
โญ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ 434 โžœ+50
Makka Polestar edition
Umur Baterai
3000 siklus
3,6 kW (4,8 daya kuda)
50 km
25 km/jam dan 45 km/jam
Waktu Pengisian
180 menit
Kecepatan Maksimum
45 km/jam

Polestar 2 electric carThe CAKE Makka Polestar edition is an electric cross motorcycle by Skuter Kargo Listrik manufacturer CAKE from Sweden. The company is derived from the passion for gravity sports and is dedicated to the category light electric off-Road Motorbikes (L.E.Os.).

The word โ€˜Makkaโ€™ translates to โ€˜small bugโ€™ or โ€˜insectโ€™ in the ancient language of Gutnish (Gutniska), a name which highlights the bikeโ€™s agile and light riding qualities.

The Makka Polestar edition is a Limited Edition specially designed for integration with a Polestar 2 electric car.

Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath 177

โ€œThe Makka โ€“ Polestar edition by CAKE is the next step in our partnership with CAKE and a great solution to address broader mobility challenges. The lightweight moped is connected to the Polestar 2 allowing it to be charged via the car, ready to drive in both urban and rural areas,โ€

Thomas Ingenlath, CEO of Polestar

The moped has several unique styling details including LED headlights, an ร–hlins rear muffler, black details and a frame battery cover in matte Polestar Snow color.

CAKE and Polestar developed a special tow-bar attachment which has been designed to carry the Makka. The rack includes a charge solution.

Makka Polestar 2 mount rack

The Makka moped is available in two models: range ( 45 km/jam) and flex (45 km/h). The flex version has a more powerful motor and battery. The range version is a long-range model with a top speed of 25 km/h that can be ridden on bicycle lanes without a drivers license, making it an ideal solution for use in cities.

The Moped has a state-of-the-art 3.600 watt electric hub motor for a top speed of more than 45 km/jam. The motor provides 60 Nm torque.

Makka moped batteryThe moped has a powerful 31 Ah removable Lithium battery for a driving range of 50 km. The battery is of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. The battery is suitable for use in cold and hot environments (-20ยฐC to 55ยฐC).

The Makka moped is light weight yet robust. The moped is built to last for decades with little maintenance.

The carrying capacity of the moped is 245 kg.

The moped has an easy to use digital dashboard.

The moped has front and rear disk brakes with an electronic braking system (EBS). The moped has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The moped is designed as an agile tool to simplify everyday, on city streets and in outback adventures. The moped is available in 8 default configurations and has a custom option that enables customization for specialized business purposes such as cargo/delivery, first aid/ambulance and security services.

The Makka moped is available in any color and with a custom business print. By default, the moped is provided in a color that matches the car.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.


CAKE Hammarby Fabriksvรคg 43 Stockholm120 33๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช Sweden
Telepon+46 8 551 222 90

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โ›ฝ Baca Tentang Hidrogen Penipuan Industri Mobil Bahaya Kesehatan: Hanya Air sebagai Produk Sampingan adalah Kebohongan